María Orozco Sáenz e-mail(Login required)

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María Orozco Sáenz e-mail(Login required)


The progress and development of space activities has led to the doctrine on numerous occasions to consider the creation of an international organization to regulate and structure such activities. The special legal regime for space activities of States developed within the United Nations in the sixties and seventies proclaims international cooperation as the most suitable mean for the development of new uses and benefits that can be obtained from outer space. In this sense, the creation of a global organization that regulates the growth and structures space activities seems necessary. For the sake of its creation, this paper analyzes the international organizations involved in these and other functions in other branches of International Law that can serve as inspiration for the implementation of an institution for this new discipline as is the Law of Outer Space.


International Outer Space Organization, space sciences developments, sources of inspiration, new legal regime


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