Carlos Echeverría Jesús e-mail(Login required)

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Carlos Echeverría Jesús e-mail(Login required)


In paralel to the Arab revolts affecting Tunisia and Egypt, the Libyan case is different due to its evolution towards a civil war. The threats addressed by the Libyan leader, Muammar El Khadafi, against his opposition activists mobilised in Benghazi and other cities, motivate France, the United Kingdom and the US to play a role in this conflict. Their efforts developed at the UN Security Council let to pass the UNSC Resolution 1973 on March 17th, the legal instrument permitting a foreign intervention in Libya. NATO heads the military operations and a Contact Group the political leadership. Seven months later, in October, the National Transitory Council, the rebel’s body, is widely recognized, NATO continues providing air support to the rebels and the Libyan leader is missing since June. War is not over and the political and security normalization of Libya continue being delayed.


Arab Revolts, Benghazi, civil war, Contact Group, France, foreign intervention, Khadafi, Libya, National Transitory Council, NATO, rebels, Security Council, United Kingdom, UN, US


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Doctrinal Studies on the Libyan crisis