José Elías Esteve Moltó e-mail(Login required)

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José Elías Esteve Moltó e-mail(Login required)


Long-running internal armed conflicts in Burma and Military Junta dictatorship provoke the commission of serious violations of International Humanitarian Law and widespread Human Rights attacks to the civilian people, that have been systematically condemned by different UN bodies with no positive result... Besides the massive outflow of refugees and drug trafficking constitutes cross border elements to be considered by the Security Council, which under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, possesses authority to determine the existence of any threat to international peace and security. This article shows how in similar conflicts, as Rwanda, Sierra Leona or Afghanistan, the Security Council, has intervened, but under the current political circumstances, the case of Burma has remained in a total impunity.


Burma-Myanmar, United Nations Security Council, threat to international peace and security, violations of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, Chapter VII of the UN Charter, impunity


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Doctrinal Studies