Carlos Ruiz-Miguel e-mail(Login required)

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Carlos Ruiz-Miguel e-mail(Login required)



From 1998 to 2013 the eu supported the negotiation Morocco-Polisario Front (PF) to achieve the political self-determination of the Sahrawi people while negotiating with Morocco some agreements which were applied to Western Sahara without mention it. In several decisions (2015-2018) the ECJ stated that the EU agreements with Morocco should be applied only in Morocco. In 2019, the Council and the Commission included explicitly the Western Sahara in the EU agreements with Morocco ignoring the PF, its representative. The 2021 Tribunal judgements, if confirmed by the Court, will close the door to this double-speak recognizing the PF as a party in the negotiation of the political self-determination while refuses to recognize its party role regarding the economic self-determination.   


Right to self-determination, Western Sahara, Morocco, European Court of Justice, Fisheries agreements, Partnership agreements


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Author Biography

Carlos Ruiz-Miguel, Catedrático de Derecho Constitucional. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela