Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri e-mail(Inicie sesión)

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Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri e-mail(Inicie sesión)


The three major thesis according to Fides et Ratio, Encyclical of Jean Paul II, are analysed in order to answers the practical materialism of post-modern criticism respect Christian religion. The paper reflect over three question and put up a conclusion. 1) The religion is a nonsense, later the methodological crisis of present time?; 2) All religion have a sense equally edifying, as defend the discursive Ethics?; 3) The Christianity will have sense in the near millennium, or he will be ruled by metaphysics nihilismus of postmodernity?; 4) Lastly, who must make out all this question: fundamental theology, philosophy of religion or critique of sense?

Palabras clave

Sensus fidei, Racionalismo, Conocimiento, Relativismo, Materialismo, Metafísica, Nihilismo


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Biografía del autor/a

Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri, Universidad de Navarra.

31080 Pamplona

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