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Manuel Garin e-mail(Login required)


This paper suggests that J. J. Abrams’ serial universe has been shaped
by the management of truth and time bound to the great feminine protagonists in Felicty (WB, 1998-2002), Alias (ABC, 2001-2006) and Fringe (FOX, 2008-2013), analyzed as a progression at three levels: the character’s heroic identity, the thematic and generic mutations that take shape, and the ideas of serial timing that undermine space-time continuity. From a series that assimilates its moulds and plays at denouncing them (Felicity) to a series exploring the traps of time by inhabiting its limits (Alias), and one that transforms such ambiguities into an ontological division between parallel universes (Fringe).


J. J. Abrams, Television, Series, Narrative, Genre, Science-fiction


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