Cristóbal Benavides e-mail(Login required) , Aldo Van-Weezel e-mail(Login required)

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Cristóbal Benavides e-mail(Login required)
Aldo Van-Weezel e-mail(Login required)


Engagement is now a necessity for marketers in need to reach their customers. This paper studies how nine different experiences are related to the advertising effectiveness of magazines. The results of a regression model show that seven of them are statistically significant predictors of advertising effectiveness. On the one hand, when readers experience content that they can talk about and share, makes them part of a community, inspire their lives and gives them a timeout of daily routine, then the advertising those magazines is more effective. On the other hand, when readers experience unreliable ads and an overload of them, advertising effectiveness is negatively affected. The findings are relevant for further studies on media experiences and its effects on advertising and also for magazine publishers who need to strength selling arguments in times of high media competition and cornucopia of content.


Engagement, magazines, advertising, advertising effectiveness, experience, Chile


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