Elías Said-Hung e-mail(Login required) , Ana Serrano-Tellería e-mail(Login required) , Elvira García-de-Torres e-mail(Login required) , Lyudmyla Yezers'ka e-mail(Login required) , Mabel Calderín e-mail(Login required)

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Elías Said-Hung e-mail(Login required)
Ana Serrano-Tellería e-mail(Login required)
Elvira García-de-Torres e-mail(Login required)
Lyudmyla Yezers'ka e-mail(Login required)
Mabel Calderín e-mail(Login required)


In this study we analyze how the social networks are being managed in 22 local digital media of 12 regions of Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Portugal, Spain and Venezuela. Through 22 semi-structured interviews made to their manager, which allow us to appreciate how, at present, the Social Media are seen like resources that help to increase the media capacities around communication and informative channels in spite of the little short development that exist, until now, about new professional profiles dedicated to the social networks management and initial state of empowerment of social media within the media.


Social Media, management, local media, Iberoamérica, Twitter, Facebook


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