Xavier Ginesta Portet e-mail(Login required)

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Xavier Ginesta Portet e-mail(Login required)


The aim of this article is to analyze the internationalization process of the richest Spanish football clubs, Real Madrid and FC Barcelona, during the first decade of the XXI Century. After the branding strategy of the Premier League clubs during the 1990s, other leagues and sport organizations adapted those corporate managing principles. In Spain, Real Madrid and FC Barcelona are the most interesting example, because of the number of fans worldwide, the international treading agreements with other organizations and the presence of their football brands around the world thanks to the investments of their foundations in football schools as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility programs. For these reasons, it is possible to conceptualize them as new entertainment multinational corporations. Keywords: Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, Premier League, Entertainment Multinational Corporation, Media Rights.


Real Madrid, FC Barcelona, Premier League, entertainment multinational corporations, television rights


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