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Lluís Pastor e-mail(Login required)


The article analyses the letters to the editor from eight world wide reference journals –The New York Times, The Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, Le Figaro, El País, ABC y La Vanguardia– taking as its starting point a classification of the letters based on the type of relationship the reader establishes with the media and with the rest of the readership. The results show that Anglo-Saxon journals publish more letters and give them more space than the French or the Spanish ones. The analysis also takes as its concern the time a certain issue is displayed in the letters section and which aspects of life are mostly dealt with in the letters to the editor sections of the reference journals. The article uncovers the profile of the letters writers and the sense given by the journals of quality to this kind of readers’ participation.


Letters to the editor, Rhetoric, Participation, Readers, Representation, Global-elite dailies, Quality newspapers


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