Mahmoudreza Rahbarqazi e-mail(Login required) , Raza Mahmoudoghli e-mail(Login required)

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Mahmoudreza Rahbarqazi e-mail(Login required)
Raza Mahmoudoghli e-mail(Login required)



The present study aims to examine the indirect effects of social media on political distrust among Lebanese citizens using data based on the Arab Barometer Wave V. The Arab Barometer Wave V was obtained in 2018-2019 via which 2,400 Lebanese citizens were surveyed. Using the Preacher and Hayes Bootstrapping method, the results of the test the hypotheses indicate that, firstly, social media has a positive effect on citizens’ political distrust and causes the increase in their level of distrust in political institutions with the mediator variables corruption perception and poor government performance; and secondly, the results show that although the lack of guaranteed freedoms has a positive effect on increasing political distrust in society, this variable cannot mediate the relationship between social media and political distrust among Lebanese citizens.


Social Media, corruption perception, poor government performance, lack of guaranteed freedoms, political distrust


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