Aarón Rodríguez-Serrano e-mail(Login required) , Shaila García-Catalán e-mail(Login required) , Marta Martín-Núñez e-mail(Login required)

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Aarón Rodríguez-Serrano e-mail(Login required)
Shaila García-Catalán e-mail(Login required)
Marta Martín-Núñez e-mail(Login required)



This article analyses the narrative techniques of major far-right political parties in contemporary Europe, based on their promotional videos on YouTube. It argues that the construction of their discourse is based mainly on cinematic references that connect with both the post-modern epic and the propaganda machinery of the Third Reich. Their visual motifs are thus positioned on two intertextual axes: post-classical cinema and Nazi propaganda. To support this hypothesis, a qualitative methodology of discourse analysis is applied, with special emphasis on the textual analysis of both formal features (staging, framing, and editing) and thematic content (the political messages conveyed). After offering a brief outline of the current state of the dissemination of right-wing extremist messages on YouTube, the article examines a sample of 53 of the most important institutional videos by the 12 far-right parties that have been most successful in their respective national elections. The results confirm that their visual motifs evoke three of the most characteristic fields of signification of the extreme right: the construction of the leader, the idea of nation, and the creation of an external enemy. In all three cases, a series of images is used with the aim of both captivating the audience with historical-military references and appropriating stylistic features from the nationalist iconography of the Heimat, which inspired many of the UFA films of the Nazi era.


Extreme right, audiovisual narratology, discourse analysis, intertextuality, political communication, propaganda


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Special Issue: Articles: Visual motifs and representations of power in the public sphere