Juan José Bas e-mail(Login required) , Ana I. Segovia e-mail(Login required) , Carles Llorens e-mail(Login required) , Núria Almirón e-mail(Login required) , Helena P. Grau e-mail(Login required) , Roberto Suárez Candel e-mail(Login required)

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Juan José Bas e-mail(Login required)
Ana I. Segovia e-mail(Login required)
Carles Llorens e-mail(Login required)
Núria Almirón e-mail(Login required)
Helena P. Grau e-mail(Login required)
Roberto Suárez Candel e-mail(Login required)


This article describes and analyses the regulatory frameworks and the current pluralism protection policies in the United States and several countries of the European Union (Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Italy and Spain). The data obtained allowed a qualitative assessment to be carried out, through a comparative analysis, in order to identify certain similarities and some significant differences. Thus, it was found that pluralism protection is a common denominator in the communication policies of these countries. However, regulatory and legislative differences depend on social, geographical and media contexts, and time variations in the application of policies depend on audiovisual media market liberalisation processes.


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Article Details

Author Biographies

Ana I. Segovia, Complutense University of Madrid.


Núria Almirón, Pompeu Fabra University.


Roberto Suárez Candel, Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research.
