Juan Martín-Quevedo e-mail(Login required) , Erika Fernández-Gómez e-mail(Login required) , Beatriz Feijoo-Fernández e-mail(Login required)

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Juan Martín-Quevedo e-mail(Login required)
Erika Fernández-Gómez e-mail(Login required)
Beatriz Feijoo-Fernández e-mail(Login required)



The launch of Disney+ in Spain in March 2020 coincided with the Covid-19 pandemic and a period of home confinement for many Spaniards. This study examines the advertising and engagement strategy used by Disney+ on Twitter and Instagram, analyzing 2,268 messages. The platform’s social media use is similar to that of its competitors, with Twitter used for user engagement and Instagram used for content promotion. However, the study finds that the platform missed the opportunity to emphasize its unique qualities and appeal to the brand’s values. Despite this, Disney+ generated significant engagement during its launch month, reflecting high levels of user anticipation. Popular original productions such as The Mandalorian and Aladdin, as well as acquired content like The Simpsons, indicate the brand’s focus on a family or broad-spectrum target audience, in contrast to the younger and niche audiences favored by its competitors.


Disney Spain, streaming, VOD, OTT, Instragram, Twitter, social networks


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Article Details

Author Biographies

Juan Martín-Quevedo, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Personal Docente e Investigador / Dpto. CC. de la Comunicación y Sociología

Acreditado Profesor Titular por ANECA

Erika Fernández-Gómez, Univ. Internacional de La Rioja

Profesora Titular Facultad de Empresa y Comunicación

Coordinadora Académica del Grado en Publicidad