Aitor Iriarte Kortázar e-mail(Login required)

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Aitor Iriarte Kortázar e-mail(Login required)


The date in which the two cemeteries of merovingian type discovered, for the moment, in Alava were established is the main subject discussed in this paper.
From what has been published up to date by its excavator, A. Azkarate, it seems that Aldaieta (Nanclares de Gamboa) had an origin inside the first half of the VIth century AD. Slightly older appears that of San Pelayo (Alegria), dated by the presence of TSHT among its grave gifts at the beginning of the same century.
It becomes possible, in that way, to connect the creation of a Frankish-dependent area south of the western part of the Pyrenees with the collapse of the Wisigothic kingdom of Toulouse after the battle of Vouillé.


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