Simón-Vladimir Pérez-Medina e-mail(Login required)

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Simón-Vladimir Pérez-Medina e-mail(Login required)



The article seeks to expose the main features of the conception of antiquity contained in the Introduction à l’histoire universelle created by Jules Michelet in the 19th century, for which an analytical methodology applied to the text is mainly used, complemented by a systemic one that It allows us to place it in the context of the time in which it was written. The search for that objective made it possible for the following pages to be divided into two parts dedicated, the first, to establishing the basic aspects of the author and his work; and the second, to point out three issues: first, the notion of ancient history contained in that work of the French scholar; second, the way in which he developed his ideas about each people treated along his lines about antiquity; and third, the frequent allusions to events of this time contained in his explanation of the later stages of universal history.


Jules Michelet, 19th century, antiquity, man's struggle against nature, universal history


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