Hipólito Sanchíz-Álvarez-de-Toledo e-mail(Login required) , Covadonga Lorenzo-Cueva e-mail(Login required) , María Fernández-Portaencasa e-mail(Login required)

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Hipólito Sanchíz-Álvarez-de-Toledo e-mail(Login required)
Covadonga Lorenzo-Cueva e-mail(Login required)
María Fernández-Portaencasa e-mail(Login required)



This article includes the epigraphic study, the dating and the digital representation of a Roman stele from Retuerta del Bullaque, in Ciudad Real, providing relevant information from the study and documentation by means of photogrammetry and three-dimensional scanning. Although this inscription had already been published, the authors of its original publication were based on anonymous news and had not been able to see or read the stele, nor did they know its origin or current whereabouts. In addition to providing a valuable study of the stela that includes the description, dating and translation of the inscription, the finding has been illustrated by means of a three-dimensional image obtained using digital technologies, which can help to improve interpretation or reading compared to tracings that perhaps, may be less accurate or poor-quality photographs.


Philema, Conventus Carthaginensis, Consabura, funerary epigraphy, stela, digital representation, 3D, CIL, II2/13, 1409


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