Isabel-María Rondán-Sevilla e-mail(Login required) , Lázaro-Gabriel Lagóstena-Barrios e-mail(Login required)

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Isabel-María Rondán-Sevilla e-mail(Login required)
Lázaro-Gabriel Lagóstena-Barrios e-mail(Login required)



The ancient city of Sabora, mentioned by Pliny, is also known through an epigraphic document, sent to the Saborenses by the emperor Vespasian (CIL II 1423), which states the authorization for the relocation of the urban center, from its pre–Roman site in height to a location in plain, more suitable to the development of civic forms and Roman urban patterns. If the location of the original oppidum in the Malaga municipality of Cañete la Real is suggested thanks to toponymy and archaeology, it has not been until very recently, thanks to geophysical explorations, when it has been possible to advance in the identification of the site and the vestiges of the Flavian municipality of Sabora, born as a result of the imperial approval, with the remains preserved in the archaeological site of El Carrascal. In this contribution we present the urban data obtained on the settlement by our team, through the use of a multichannel georadar, and we offer an interpretation of the results, arguing about the urban or villa character of the documented archaeological remains.


Flavia Sabora, GPR, El Carrascal, Flavian Urbanism, Small Town, Baetica province


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Author Biography

Isabel-María Rondán-Sevilla, Área de Historia Antigua. Universidad de Cádiz