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Tibor Martí e-mail(Login required)



Gábor Bethlen, calvinist Prince of Transylvania (1613-1629), became a prominent politician who achieved considerable military success in the first decade of the Thirty Years War against Ferdinand ii. He led campaigns on three occasions in the north part of the Kingdom of Hungary, the first of which was closed by the Peace of Nicolsburg at the end of 1621. As relative of Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, he became one of the most important Central European allies of the Protestant forces in Europe. Due to his unpredictable diplomacy and diplomats, in the courts of the House of Hapsburg looked him as a cunning, dangerous enemy, with fear, but the diplomats of the King of Spain, Philipp iv sought/tried to maintain an apparent good diplomatic relationship, primarily to pacify the prince. Bethlen's contemporaries accused him of alliance with the Ottomans; at the same time, the Principality of Transylvania, dependent from the Ottoman Sultans as a vassal, had culturally and economically a golden age during this period. This study intends to present information on Bethlen by Spanish envoys from the Imperial Court of Vienna, in the context of the activity of the Spanish diplomacy in Central Europe and the events and diplomatic relations of the Thirty Years War.


House of Hapsburg, Imperial Court, Gábor Bethlen, Transylvania, Diplomacy, Thirty Years War


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