José-Carlos Rueda-Laffond e-mail(Login required)

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José-Carlos Rueda-Laffond e-mail(Login required)



Thessaloniki is a unique city, paradigm of cosmopolitanism in the recent past and today the second largest city in Greece. The text focuses from the perspective of political-cultural symbology and memory studies. It exami-nes the historical tension between national myths of the Greek state and the ductility of various concepts (Hellenism, Byzantinism, Balkanism). And in its second part, it studies the symbolic map of the memory of today's Thessaloniki attending to its emblematic spaces. All this allows us to contrast some fields of representation defined by fluidity and identity claim based on the national appropriation of classical or Byzantine traces and the relative invisibility of Muslim or Jewish presences.


Thessaloniki, Urban memory, National identities, Uses of the past


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