José Ignacio Saranyana e-mail(Login required)

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José Ignacio Saranyana e-mail(Login required)



The subject of the relationship between economic development and population growth has frequently been treated -especially in the last two decades- from the point of view of value judgments which postulate a marked incompatibility between the two variables, in such a way that birth control appears to be justified. Myrdal, more than anyone perhaps, has formulated this pessimistic postulate in a very complete manner. Nelson has also followed this same line of reasoning, expressing in a highly technical manner the supposed dichotomy between the two variables in his well-known Theory of the Low-level Equilibrium Trap. In this paper, the starting principles of Myrdal's formulation are discussed at length, and Nelson's analyses -his doctrinal supports- are equally criticized. At the same time, basing himself in Keynes, the author offers an outline which purports to solve the stated problem. This implies, logically, a new axiomatic approach -which is very much in accordance with the results achieved by Sauvy, Livi, Gonnard, Hirschmann, and Hansen- according to which true economic development is impossible without population growth. All this presupposes -although it may seem paradoxical- the rediscovery of the fact that economics is meant to serve man andnot viceversa.




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