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G. Herranz e-mail(Login required)


Effects at distance from the side of irradiations. Effects on the bone marrow and the spleen of the albino rat.
In Radiobiology, major attention has been devoted to the effects produced by irradiation in organs and tissues in which it has been absorbed. However, a considerable amount of experimental work and clinical observation exists which deals with effects which irradiation can produce outside the receiving area. Revision of the literature shows that the subject is little understood.
The author has studied modifications of the marrow picture and histological changes in the spleen at different intervals after the irradiation of the head or tail, using the albino rat for the experiment.
A dose of 1400 r. roentgen rays (Stabilivolt. 180 kV, 7 mA, additional filtration 0,5 mm. Cu and 1' mm.
Al, 70 r/m.) was administered over the regions irradiated. The volume irradiated in animals of group I (head) was 30 to 35 cc. and in the animals of group II (tail) from 28 to 33 cc.
In comparison with the control animals of the same straín, the following changes are observed in the femoral marrow of animals of group I and in the humeral marrow of those of group II:
1. Increase in the cellular components of the stroma (reticular cells, plasma cells, macrophages, and mast cells). Although wide variations exist, these phenomena appeared with constancy and consistency from a statistical view point. Special mention is made of the appearance of mast cells of abnormal (Heteromorphic cells, according to the nomenclature proposed by the author).
2. Discret signs of deviation to the left of the neutrophil granulopoyesis, with accumulation of metamyelocyte forms, in the animals of group II, in which are also found a diminution of adult eosinophils, especially in tense in the first days after irradiation.
3. Diminution of lymphocytes more intense in the animals of group II.
Variations of other cellular elements in the marrow picture have no significance.
On the whole, the modifications of the marrow picture have been more intense in animals of group II.
In the spleen, the modifications brought about by distant irradiation appeared under the form of histological changes of the perifollicular zone, increase in macrophagic activity of splenocytes and, at a mild degree, perturbations of lymphopoiesis and !ienal myelopoiesis together with reticulo-fibrillar hyperplasia.
Animals of group II showed more intense spleen changes (histological and of the cellular population) than those of group I.


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Investigación Experimental
Author Biography

G. Herranz

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