M. Asirán lrurzun e-mail(Login required)

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M. Asirán lrurzun e-mail(Login required)


With a homogenous group of normal and ill persons we made a study on the correlation between the expiratory irregularity (AE), anxiety and EEG. The normal variation of AE was first determined.
We found a strict relation between the AE and the paroxistic EEG tracing. This suggest the conclusion that the expiratory irregularity can be considerd as an equivalent of the paroxistic activity.
We found that in alcoholics there are high AE values in less proportions than in non-alcoholics from which we concluded that the abnormal AE can't be considered as a characteristic of an alcoholic.
We also confirmed that the hyperventilation in normal persons is not followed by apnea and we observed that there is a discrete increase of ventilation in the majority of cases.


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