Josep Ignasi Saranyana e-mail(Login required)

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Josep Ignasi Saranyana e-mail(Login required)


Margarita Porete, a Belgian Beguine, wrote a short work in Picard which has been lost. The Latin translation, entitled Speculum animarum simplicium, is faithful to the original text. For this work she had to endure two inquisitional investigations. The first of the two ruled that the book contained «awkward» theses, and she was ordered to maintain silence. Porete nevertheless insisted on making her work known. The second process ruled that her thesis were «heretical», and in 1310 she was condemned to burn at the stake. The theses are the product of a Neoplatonic context which made the Inquisitors feel uneasy. They might have been justified, however, had they been read in their appropriate context.


Margarita Porete, Medieval Inquisition, beguines, Neoplatonism


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Article Details

Research Studies: Medieval mystical women writers
Author Biography

Josep Ignasi Saranyana, Universidad de Navarra.

31080 Pamplona