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Saverio Xeres e-mail(Login required)


Has the Vatican Council ii contributed to the renewal of Church history that was already underway? In order to find an answer to this question, the author analyzes 63 texts from the Council which contain the word historia or the related adjective (historicus). Beside a massive recurrence of this term – an innovation if compared with all the previous councils – the Vatican ii reveals a double interest towards past history and present history as well. Above all, in the perspective set out by the council, the Church itself has a strong historical dimension. As a consequence, there is a rise in concern about ecclesiastical historiography, which at the same time gets more conscious of worldwide and ecumenical issues and more receptive to the various expressions of the life of Christian communities.


Vatican ii, History and Theology, Church History, Ecclesiastical historiography, Pope John xxiii


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Research Studies: The new history of the Church emerged from Vatican II