Ricardo Fernández Gracia e-mail(Login required)

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Ricardo Fernández Gracia e-mail(Login required)


This is a detailed study of three representations of the Immaculate Conception in the Spanish art works of Juan de Espinal, Antonio Gonzalez and Francisco Ogalindo (18th century). These pieces are new compositions, more elaborate than the 17th-century works. Based on litterary and graphic sources, they offered a new model for clients of a different status, where the Virgin conceived without original sin is clearly highlighted. The century designation of the Immaculate Conception as patroness of Spain and its colonies in 1767 was influential in the spread of such representation.


Immaculate Conception, 18th century, Charles III, Spanish painting


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Article Details

Research Studies: One hundred and fifty years of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception
Author Biography

Ricardo Fernández Gracia, Universidad de Navarra.

E-31080 Pamplona