Aritz Obregón-Fernández e-mail(Login required)

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Aritz Obregón-Fernández e-mail(Login required)



The end of major clashes against Daesh in Syria and the expansion of terrorist groups in various parts of Africa call for a retrospective analysis of Security Council Resolution 2249 (2015) to determine whether it can be used as a model for similar situations. Using a classical legal methodology, we examine its content, the possible interpretations that can be made of it, state practice with respect to it and, based on the elements analysed, determine whether it can serve as a model for the situation in some regions of Africa. In the article, we conclude that Resolution 2249 (2015) did not refer to any legal title of intervention, constituting an ‘extra-legal’ legitimation to use force. Furthermore, given the specific conditions under which it was adopted and its content, even if it cannot be ruled out, it is unlikely to be used in the future.


Security Council, Resolution 2249 (2015), international terrorism, right self-defense, request for military assistance


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