Romualdo Bermejo-García e-mail(Login required)

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Romualdo Bermejo-García e-mail(Login required)



The conflict caused by the Ukrainian crisis is taking different paths. Some calling for more weapons to be handed over to Zelenski and the Western countries, others seeking peace negotiations of various types and conditions, and others approaching the conflict not only to achieve the objectives of the «special military operation» but also to struggle for a multipolar international society, rather than a global one, giving a broad interpretation to the latter concept. Though it is not yet easy to grasp a clear way out of this crisis, in which Ukraine and all the Western countries – including all NATO countries – are actively involved, there is a certain fatigue that can only lead to two paths: peace negotiations, which could include not only a ceasefire, but something more that would allow a new European security map to be drawn up between the contenders; or, if this will not be achieved, the road to the abyss of a nuclear risk, to which both Russian and Western leaders have repeatedly referred although not always with the same objectives.


Ukrainian crisis, NATO, Europena Union, Russia and its objectives, international and non-hegemonic multipolar system, peace negotiations, nuclear risk


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