Francisco Javier Maestrojuán Catalán e-mail(Login required)

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Francisco Javier Maestrojuán Catalán e-mail(Login required)


This article is divided into two parts: the first one begins with a brief story about a protocol conflict based upon local documents (Zaragoza XVIIIth-XIXth centuries). In the second part we try to set this example in a larger chronological and theoretical frame of comprehension: the study of how local powers are displayed in public in order to provide a better understanding of the relationship between rulers and subjects in the Old Regime. We try to criticise the schema that shows the social relationships in this time as a mere exercise of cultural and political repression and public ritual as being part of this exercise.


Early Modem History of Spain, XVIIth -XlXth, Institutional History, Protocol, Political Anthropology, Zaragoza


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Articles: Ritual as a Form of Expression of Sociability