Concepción-María Domínguez-García e-mail(Login required)

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Concepción-María Domínguez-García e-mail(Login required)



On Saturday, July 22, 1922, major newspapers reported the increase in the congressmen’s allowances to a thousand pesetas, which occurred during the sessions of the Chamber on July 20 and 21, 1922. This article captures the debate surrounding the mentioned raise in allowances from 500 to 1000 pesetas for the congressmen, presenting the arguments put forth, the stance of various parliamentary groups, the national-level impact on the press, and, finally, the protests that reached the Congress from diverse social and political entities. It is concluded that this raise contributed to the erosion of parliamentary credibility in the public eye, leading to the definitive crisis of the Restoration system, ultimately paving the way for the dictatorship of General Miguel Primo de Rivera.


Allowances, Congress of Deputies, Spanish Restoration Crisis


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