Carter H. Griffin e-mail(Inicie sesión)

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Carter H. Griffin e-mail(Inicie sesión)


This essay endeavors to demonstrate that celibacy «for the sake of the Kingdom» conveys important lessons for human flourishing. Celibacy is an anthropological witness to the possibility and conditions of faithful human love, the nobility as well as the limits of marriage, and the vocation of every Christian man to fatherhood in the order of grace. In the contemporary climate there is a great deal of anthropological confusion regarding the human person, including human love, marriage, and parenthood. As a result, these three lessons taught by apostolic celibacy are perhaps more urgently needed than ever before.


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Detalles del artículo

El celibato de los sacerdotes: a los cincuenta años de Sacerdotalis caelibatus
Biografía del autor/a

Carter H. Griffin, St. John Paul II Seminary.

Washington, DC