Catalina Vial-de-Amesti e-mail(Login required)

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Catalina Vial-de-Amesti e-mail(Login required)



In the past decades we have seen a revitalization of the Augustinian thought, characterized by the return to its christological, soteriological and ecclesiological foundation as the unifying centre of the existential, pastoral and intellectual path of St. Augustine. The authors of this “quiet revolution” give special attention to the historical development of Augustine’s doctrine. They do not deny that there has been an evolution in his thought, but they tend to consider it in a more nuanced way than other authors. The article will attempt to describe this process from the point of view of the trinitarian theology and the theology of grace.


Agustin, Trinity, Grace


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Research Studies
Author Biography

Catalina Vial-de-Amesti, Universidad Pontificia de la Santa Cruz. Facultad de Teología. Roma. Italia