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César Izquierdo e-mail(Login required)



In the encyclicals Fides et Ratio (1998) and Lumen Fidei (2013), the mysteries appear as key elements when analysing the relationship between faith and reason. Fides et Ratio deals with the mysteries as a formal category (without forgetting the content); in Lumen Fidei it is the content of the mysteries that is important. In the article, first of all, the basic texts of the two encyclicals on mystery are presented. It then examines the relationship betwen mysteries and rationality. Negative theology and its expression in paradoxes are also considered. The incarnate mystery and liturgical celebration of mysteries are the final points of the paper.


Fides et Ratio, Lumen fidei, Mystery, Rationality, Paradox


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Article Details

Research Studies: Twenty-five years of «Fides et ratio»