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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The text submitted has not been previously published and was not sent to another journal. To ensure the originality of the manuscripts, submitted papers will be analyzed with the Turnitin anti-plagiarism tool before being sent to reviewers.
  • Authors who use artificial intelligence tools in the writing of a manuscript, the production of images or graphic elements of the article, or in the collection and analysis of data, should be transparent and declare how it was used and what tool was used. The authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, including those parts produced by any artificial intelligence tool.
  • All authors have followed these instructions and have ORCID-ID that includes and shows at least "Affiliation" and "Employment" data.
  • The file is in Microsoft Word or RTF format.
  • A final list of references is included with links to the sources where possible, preferably to the DOI
  • The text follow the style and bibliographic requirements outlined in Author guidelines.
  • If the text submitted is focused on a section of the journal that must be peer-reviewed, to ensure blind review the text must follow this instructions.
  • In the case that authors wish to add supplementary explanatory material that exceeds the size or format limits of the article, they may upload it to the OJS platform as extraordinary files -one for each different type of format-, always smaller than 20 MB.

    This material will be published exclusively in the electronic version of the journal, as an electronic annex to the corresponding article.
  • In the case of funding for research resulting in this work, authors should indicate on the first page of the article the funding agency(ies) and the code(s) of the project(s) under which the research was carried out.
  • If the work has been carried out using research data, including the variable of sex, information should be added regarding whether the conclusions have taken into account potential differences between sexes.
  • The authors declare that they are free from any personal or commercial association that may imply a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article, as well as that they have respected the ethical principles of research.
  • The authors agree to the Publisher Policy, published at Sherpa Romeo, whereby the editor allows the author to exclusively disseminate the final editorial version through the institutional repository, once the embargo period (1 year) of the journal has expired. Dissemination of the submitted version (preprint) or the version evaluated prior to the editorial version (postprint) is not allowed.

    The objective of this policy is to avoid the loss of citations that are received from the data of versions different from those of the final and definitive version, which is published and indexed in the databases.

    If the citation received contains any minimal difference with the indexed data, it will be registered as a reference instead of being considered as a computable citation, which could be detrimental to the journal and the author. Therefore, it is important to follow this policy and share only the final version of the article.
  • The authors have read and agree to their obligations under the journal's Statement of good practice.

Criteria for submissions to Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional

1. The Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional is a scientific interest journal for all scholars of International Public Law and International Relations. It was founded in 1974 and is intended to provide analysis and reflection on questions affecting international society.

2. It is a periodic publication, published annually at the end of the year and in Spanish. It does, however, accept original submissions in other languages.

3. Research articles must be original and unpublished. Where an article has previously been submitted to another journal and at the time of submission to the Anuario Español de Derecho Internacional it is still in the evaluation process, such circumstances must be expressly declared.
Authors wishing to include images, figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

4. In the section Doctrinal Studies articles of a maximum total length of 45 pages (Times New Roman font, 12-pt for text and 10-pt for footnotes and with 1.5 spacing between lines). Texts must be accompanied by an abstract in Spanish and English of some 5-8 lines, the keywords and the title, also in both languages, and the summary of content. Articles in the section Notes are original research articles of a maximum length of 30 pages with the same formal characteristics as for the Doctrinal Studies section.

5. Each work that is presented (Doctrinal Studies and Notes) must provide all the identifying information of the author, his / her email and his ORCID number. At the end of the work, a section entitled "Bibliographic references" will be added, in which all the publications used in the notes will be listed. It must be ordered alphabetically by last name and, if there are several works by the same author, they will be ordered by publication date in ascending order. This list will be published independently in the online version of the journal.

6. Originals must be sent using this link: https://revistas.unav.edu/index.php/anuario-esp-dcho-internacional/index before 15 January.

In the case that authors wish to add supplementary explanatory material that exceeds the size or format limits of the article, they may upload it to the OJS platform as extraordinary files -one for each different type of format-, always smaller than 20 MB.

This material will be published exclusively in the electronic version of the journal, as an electronic annex to the corresponding article.

In the case of funding for research resulting in this work, authors should indicate on the first page of the article the funding agency(ies) and the code(s) of the project(s) under which the research was carried out.

7. Authors are responsible for the manuscript content. Articles highly similar to previously published works, including author's own works, are considered as plagiarism (see the Anti-plagiarism Politics).

8. Evaluation process: the Secretary shall perform an initial editorial review of articles received for the purpose of evaluating compliance with editorial requirements of the Anuario. No articles that exceed the maximum length for each section shall be admitted. After receiving the two evaluation reports, the Anuario will inform the authors of the decision, whether positive or negative, on the publication of their originals, generally in a term no greater than two months. For those contributions that have won a favorable verdict but with the suggestion of corrections, the final version must be submitted to Anuario once the suggested improvements have been made within the term established for each case.

9. Reviews shall be published of books received and approved by the Editorial Board.

10. Bibliographic references in footnotes shall be made in the following style:

BROWNLIE, I., Principles of Public International Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2003.

Colective works:
SIMMA, B., "La Charte des Nations Unies et le jus cogens", en La Charte des Nations Unies, constitution mondiale?, Regis Chemain, Alain Pellet, (ed.), 2006, pp. 207-209.

Journal articles:
GUTIÉRREZ ESPADA, C., "Los nuevos pensadores del Islam", AEDI, vol. XXV, 2009, pp. 347-353.

11. At the end of the article, a section entitled "References" must be added, in which all the publications used in the notes are collected. This list will appear separately in the online version of the journal. It must be ordered alphabetically by last name and, if there are several works by the same author, by date of publication in ascending order.

12. In the "Bibliographical references" and in the footnotes, it is recommended to add the DOIs or the links to the full text of the cited documents, if available:

DOI of cited articles:
CEBADA-ROMERO, A., "The pulse of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda on its twentieth anniversary", AEDI, vol. XXXVII, 2021, p. 117-158 (https://doi.org/10.15581/010.37.117-158)

If the article does not have a DOI, then the link to the cited article must be included:
GUTIÉRREZ ESPADA, C., "The institutional system of the Union in the Treaty that establishes a Constitution for Europe (2004)", AEDI, vol. XX, 2004, p. 111-172 (Retrieved from https://revistas.unav.edu/index.php/anuario-esp-dcho-internacional/article/view/28422)