Cesáreo Gutiérrez-Espada e-mail(Login required)

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Cesáreo Gutiérrez-Espada e-mail(Login required)



This Note aims to set out the evolution that the concept of «third party» or «collective» countermeasures has undergone since 2001, the year in which the International Law Commission refused to adopt a de lege ferenda norm, recognizing, at least in certain assumptions, its conformity with International Law, and preferred to adopt, in its Draft Articles on the Responsibility of the State for Unlawful Acts, a provision in which it left the issue in the hands of International Law and its future developments in this regard. This evolution can probably be reflected in a document from the Foreign Service of the European Union on countermeasures, adopted at the end of 2022. Today, finally, the conformity with International Law of collective countermeasures has been recognized, at least in cases of violation of peremptory or jus cogens norms. And it has undoubtedly been the war in Ukraine, and the measures against Russia and in support of Ukraine adopted by the West, a key factor in this evolution.


countermeasures, European external acton service, european union, imperative norms of international law, international responsability, ius cogens, Ukranian war


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