María Cerezo e-mail(Inicie sesión)

Contenido principal del artículo


María Cerezo e-mail(Inicie sesión)


In this paper, I develop some reflections on the interpretation of the notion of Sachverhalt in the Tractatus, with a view to show the complexity of the tractarian view and to point out some tensions. I intend to elucidate this notion in the context of its relation to the notions of Tatsache and Sachlage, and in its relation to the two main theories of the Tractatus, the truth-functions theory and the picture theory. I hope that this elucidation sheds some light on a possible comparison between Wittgenstein's and Husserl's views and I point out some suggestions in this sense in the last part of the paper.


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Biografía del autor/a

María Cerezo, Universidad de Navarra.

31080 Pamplona