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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The text submitted has not been previously published and was not sent to another journal. To ensure the originality of the manuscripts, submitted papers will be analyzed with the Turnitin anti-plagiarism tool before being sent to reviewers.
  • Authors who use artificial intelligence tools in the writing of a manuscript, the production of images or graphic elements of the article, or in the collection and analysis of data, should be transparent and declare how it was used and what tool was used. The authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, including those parts produced by any artificial intelligence tool.
  • All authors have followed these instructions and have ORCID-ID that includes and shows at least "Affiliation" and "Employment" data.
  • The file is in Microsoft Word or RTF format.
  • A section entitled "References" has been added, according to step 13 of the author guidelines. This list of references includes links to the sources where possible, preferably to the DOI
  • The text follow the style and bibliographic requirements outlined in Author guidelines (steps 13 to 15).
  • If the text submitted is focused on a section of the journal that must be peer-reviewed, to ensure blind review the text must follow this instructions.
  • In the case that authors wish to add supplementary explanatory material that exceeds the size or format limits of the article, they may upload it to the OJS platform as extraordinary files -one for each different type of format-, always smaller than 20 MB.

    This material will be published exclusively in the electronic version of the journal, as an electronic annex to the corresponding article.
  • In the case of funding for research resulting in this work, authors should indicate on the first page of the article the funding agency(ies) and the code(s) of the project(s) under which the research was carried out.
  • If the work has been carried out using research data, including the variable of sex, information should be added regarding whether the conclusions have taken into account potential differences between sexes.
  • The authors declare that they are free from any personal or commercial association that may imply a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article, as well as that they have respected the ethical principles of research.
  • The authors agree to the Publisher Policy, published at Sherpa Romeo, whereby the editor allows the author to exclusively disseminate the final editorial version through the institutional repository, once the embargo period (2 years) of the journal has expired. Dissemination of the submitted version (preprint) or the version evaluated prior to the editorial version (postprint) is not allowed.

    The objective of this policy is to avoid the loss of citations that are received from the data of versions different from those of the final and definitive version, which is published and indexed in the databases.

    If the citation received contains any minimal difference with the indexed data, it will be registered as a reference instead of being considered as a computable citation, which could be detrimental to the journal and the author. Therefore, it is important to follow this policy and share only the final version of the article.
  • The authors have read and agree to their obligations under the journal's Statement of good practice.

1. All documents submitted for publication to Anuario Filosófico, both articles and book reviews, must be entirely unpublished, and must be original works of the submitting author. While they are being evaluated for publication or undergoing editing, they must not be submitted to any other publication. Once an article has been published (and respecting an embargo period of two years), authors who want to reuse their text must in the first place obtain permission from the Publications Service of the University of Navarra, and in the second place add the complete and correct reference to the original publication in Anuario Filosófico.

2. Articles and reviews shall be written in Spanish or English. The Editorial Board reserves the right to accept texts in other languages when deemed appropriate for a particular volume.


Publication fees

3. Anuario Filosófico has a hybrid open access policy (with a two-year embargo for articles, but with open access for the rest of the content), but it offers authors the possibility of releasing their articles from the moment they are published —immediate open access— through the payment of a fee for accepted article or APC (Article Processing Charge), so that the expenses associated with the editing process are covered. These costs are assumed by the authors, the institution to which their are attached or the funding organization.
Articles in immediate open access: a fee of €140 (plus 4% VAT) will be charged for each accepted article that is going to be released and that has passed the peer-review process.
Other articles and reviews: the open access of the rest of the contents of the journal will have no cost for the authors.

Norms for articles

4. The original articles must be sent in a standard and easily editable format, such as Word or RTF, using this link. In order to aid in blind review, the author must eliminate all references that might reveal authorship (including mentions of appreciation for the author's participation in financed projects, and any other acknowledgement) both in the body of the text and in the footnotes. The removed information must be listed in the Identification Sheet referred to in number 10 of the present instructions.

In the case that authors wish to add supplementary explanatory material that exceeds the size or format limits of the article, they may upload it to the OJS platform as extraordinary files -one for each different type of format-, always smaller than 20 MB.

This material will be published exclusively in the electronic version of the journal, as an electronic annex to the corresponding article.

In the case of funding for research resulting in this work, authors should indicate on the first page of the article the funding agency(ies) and the code(s) of the project(s) under which the research was carried out.

5. Authors are responsible for the manuscript content. Articles highly similar to previously published works, including author's own works, are considered as plagiarism (see the Anti-plagiarism Politics).
Authors wishing to include images, figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

6. Articles will be submitted to a double anonymous review by peer reviewers external to the Editorial Committee. They will be evaluated according to the following general criteria: interest of the topic; knowledge of the state of the field; dialogue with relevant and current sources; unity, clarity, coherence, equity and rigor of argumentation; appropriateness of the title, abstract and keywords, as well as the correctness of the English version of each of these; appropriate lenght of the text and footnotes; and elegance of writing.

7. The Editorial Committee will normally communicate its acceptance or rejection of the submission within a period of two months, although on occasion the review process may take up to six months. The article will be returned to the author together with the evaluations of the reviewers. In June of each year, the Editorial Committee will make its determination as to which articles will be included in the miscellaneous issue that is published each December.

8. Authors whose articles have been accepted for publication will receive a set of typeset proofs, which will require immediate correction. Once the article has been published, authors will receive a copy of the corresponding issue of Anuario Filosófico and the electronic-offprint.

Article format

9. Articles should not be longer than 10,000 words including footnotes (60,000 characters including spaces), footnotes and list of references included.

10. An Identification Sheet must be sent separately, containing the author’s name, and academic position and affiliation, a postal address and email. In addition, the author should include, in Spanish and in English, the title of the article, an abstract of no more than 75 words, and at least 4 keywords. Acknowledgements and any information removed in the anonymization process must be listed in this document.

11. In order to aid in the typesetting of the article, the text should not be formatted in any way, nor should any font be specified other than the default. Subtitles must be numbered sequentially, as follows: 1. 2. 3., etc. The titles of posterior subdivisions must follow an alphabetic order, as follows: a) b) c), etc. Example: 4. The last commentaries of Thomas Aquinas on Aristotle a) The commentary on the De caelo

12. Footnotes should be brief. Citations within the main text should be placed between double quotation marks (“like this”); citations should also be brief, and be written in the same language as the whole article. Any quotation in a different language must be placed in the footnotes. If quotations within the main text are longer than three lines, they should be indented as a block quotation, without quotation marks. Square brackets can be used to clarify a given term within a quotation, e.g. “the link between this [special situation] and the agent’s end”.

13. Bibliographical references must always be placed in footnotes, and never within the body of the text nor in a final bibliography. They must use the following format:
a) For books, L. Polo, Curso de Teoría del conocimiento, vol. 4/1 (Eunsa, Pamplona, 1994); R. Spaemann, Ética: cuestiones fundamentales (Eunsa, Pamplona, 1987) 113-115.
b) For collaborations in collective works, A. Fuertes, El argumento cosmológico, en A. L. González (ed.), Las pruebas del absoluto según Leibniz (Eunsa, Pamplona, 1996) 47-158.
c) For articles, R. Yepes, Los sentidos del acto en Aristóteles, “Anuario Filosófico” 25/3 (1992) 493-512.
d) For monographic issues in a journal: A. M. González, R. Lázaro (eds.), Razón práctica en la Ilustración escocesa.
Número monográfico: “Anuario Filosófico” 42/1 (2009) 1-257.

14. Abbreviated references may be used in the following cases:
a) When only a single work by a given author is cited, the title may be abbreviated as follows: R. Spaemann, op. cit.,108.
b) If more than one work by a given author is cited, the title must be repeated in abbreviated form: R. Spaemann, Lo natural cit., 15; L. Polo, Curso cit., vol. 4/1, 95.
c) The term “Ibidem” may be used when a single reference is repeated in consecutive footnotes.

15. At the end of the article, a section entitled "References" must be added, in which all the publications used in the notes are collected. This list will appear separately in the online version of the journal. It must be ordered alphabetically by last name and, if there are several works by the same author, by date of publication in ascending order.

16. In order to guarantee the correct transcription of text in Greek, all such text must be formatted using the font Gentium Plus, which is freely available for Windows, Mac and Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) from the following URL: https://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&item_id=Gentium_download
When it is necessary to use characters of other languages that are not included in this font, Unicode font is required. When submitting the final version of a manuscript with non-Latin fonts, the author must send a pdf copy of the manuscript which can be checked against the original.

Norms for book reviews

17. Book reviews must be between 600 and 1200 words, and must be completely original and unpublished elsewhere.

18. Except in exceptional cases, we will not accept reviews of books first published more than three years previously. The works reviewed must be first editions, or else posterior editions which have been substantially modified.

19. In order to avoid conflicts of interest, it is preferable that the reviews not have been written by persons close to the author of the book being reviewed or who have collaborated in its editing or design. The author of the book being reviewed must not have professional authority over the author of the book review, as would be the case of a thesis director or a member of the same research group.

20. If the reviewed book is written in a different language, quotations must be translated. If it is necessary to include citations from works other than the one being reviewed, the citation must be placed in the body of the text, in parentheses, following the formatting indicated in items 11 and 12, above. If the citation is from the book being reviewed, it is sufficient to include the page number, as shown: (p. 63), or (pp. 63-64).

21. At the end of book reviews, authors must include their name, their university or institutional affiliation (without including the postal address), and an email address that will remain valid for the foreseeable future.

22. Book reviews should be sent in a standard and easily editable format, such as Word or RTF, using this link. In the submission process, the section "Bibliography: reviews" must be selected. Queries regarding reviews or proposals for books to be reviewed can be sent to the address resenaf@unav.es