Rocío Cázares-Blanco e-mail(Login required)

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Rocío Cázares-Blanco e-mail(Login required)



In this paper I propose to conceive of forgiveness as a process of eliminating punitive reactive attitudes, which makes up part of the offended person’s willingness to reestablish a certain type of reciprocal relationship with the offender. Distinguishing among types of reciprocity allows us to realize that forgiveness is a more varied phenomenon than is usually assumed in the philosophical literature, as well as to understand why the dispute concerning the gratuitousnessconditionality of forgiveness is meaningless.


Forgiveness, reactive attitudes, reciprocity, gratuitousness, conditionality


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Articles: Miscellaneous
Author Biography

Rocío Cázares-Blanco, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas.

98060 Zacatecas