María-Luisa de-la-Cámara-García e-mail(Login required)

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María-Luisa de-la-Cámara-García e-mail(Login required)



In this article I offer an examination of the notion of love for God in Descartes, connecting it with the principles of his metaphysical system, and showing the purpose to which, this notion responds, as well as the practical implications that this way of life has for humans. Spinoza’s disagreements in this matter do not constitute a minor discrepancy, rather they acquire systemic interest insofar as the origin and nature of God’s love affection and intellectual love of God connect with central themes of his radical philosophy, such the idea of God and his attributes, the nature of man and his relationship with the infinite substance, the mind-body agency, the finite knowledge as an human desire, the empowerment by affections, the fruition of love for God and its usefulness for sage man. This is a very singular subject in Modern project revealing great disagreements in each of their contributes.


God's idea, love for God, natural light of reason, genres of knowledge, amor erga Deum, amor Dei intellectualis, eternity


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