Enrique Cobos-Urbina e-mail(Login required)

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Enrique Cobos-Urbina e-mail(Login required)



Social Media has become an unquestionable communicative tool for most organizations. Companies want to participate in the conversation on the network for various purposes: attracting new customers, promoting their products, exalting their brand, searching for prescribers, etc. However, those corporations that belong to risk sectors –as is the case of nuclear power plants– show initial suspicion because they consider that new forms of communication contribute to encouraging criticism of their business model, producing a deterioration in their image. The methodology used in this research is based on three pillars: a review of the literature on CSR, corporate reputation, Social Media and Nuclear Communication; exploration of Social Media in search of official profiles of nuclear power plants; and interviews with those responsible for communicating atomic plants to know their perception in the use of these supports. Spanish nuclear power plants do not actively use Social Media. These facilities rely on monologic communication tools and tactics, although they need dialogue for acceptance and long-term operation. Social Media are essential tools for risk sectors: to disseminate the science they make, to collect feedback and respond to criticism, and to seek consensus.


nuclear power plants, nuclear energy, crisis communication, nuclear communication, dialogue, Social Media, high-risk business


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