Who we are


Editorial Board

• Elsa Moreno Moreno, University of Navarra, Pamplona (Spain)

• Enrique Guerrero Pérez, University of Navarra, Pamplona (Spain)

Assistant Editors
• Lourdes Esqueda, University of Navarra, Pamplona (Spain)
• María Fernanda Novoa, University of Navarra, Pamplona (Spain)

Associate Editors
• Pilar Carrera, University Carlos III, Madrid (Spain)
• José Fernández Cavia, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain)
• Summer Harlow, The University of Texas at Austin (USA)
• Olaf Jandura, University of Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf (Germany)
• Claudia Mellado, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Valparaíso (Chile)
• Antonio Sánchez-Escalonilla, Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid (Spain)
• Javier Serrano-Puche, University of Navarra, Pamplona (Spain) 

Advisory Board

• Alan Albarran, University of North Texas, USA
• Nuria Almirón, University Pompeu Fabra, Spain
• José María Álvarez Monzoncillo
• Eduardo Arriagada, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile
• José Manuel Azevedo
• Lee B. Becker
• Rosa Berganza, University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
• Anselm Biokolo
• Marcel Broersma
• Niels Brügger, Aarhus University, Denmark
• Gustavo Cardoso
• Andreu Casero-Ripollés, University Jaume I, Spain
• Pilar Carrera, University Carlos III, Madrid (Spain)
• Josep Maria Catalá, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
• Clifford Christians, University of Illinois, USA
• Fausto Colombo
• Martin Conboy
• Loreto Corredoira, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
• Lloyd Davis
• Javier Diaz-Noci, University Pompeu Fabra, Spain
• Wolfgang Donsbach
• Mark Deuze
• Armando Fumagalli
• Anne Gregory, University of Huddersfield, UK
• Peter Gross
• Robert L. Heath
• Alfred Hermida, University of British Columbia, Canada
• Arne Hintz, Cardiff University, UK
• Christina Holtz-Bacha, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
• Octavio Islas Carmona, Universidad de los Hemisferios, Ecuador
• Olaf Jandura, University of Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf (Germany)
• Jan Jirák
• Randal Johnson
• Beate Josephi
• Sri Kalyanaraman
• Jerry Kliatchko
• Epp Lauk Department of Public Communications, Faculty of Political Science and Diplomacy, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
• Vilma Luoma-aho
• Philippe Maarek
• Maxwell McCombs
• Marta Martín-Llaguno, University of Alicante, Spain
• Alfonso Méndiz
• Koldo Meso, University of the Basque Country, Spain
• Michael Meyen
• Walter Luis Neira
• Heinz-Werner Nienstedt, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany
• Roger Odin, Sorbonne University, France
• Zizi Papacharissi
• John V. Pavlik, Northwestern University, Qatar
• John Peters, University of Iowa, USA
• Thomas Petersen, Institut für Demoskopie Allensbach, Germany
• Robert Picard, Oxford University, UK
• Ester Pollack, Stockholm University, Sweden
• Stephen Reese, University of Texas, USA
• David Roca
• Fernando J. Ruiz
• Victor Sampedro, University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
• Vicente Sánchez-Biosca, University of Valencia, Spain
• Carlos A. Scolari, University Pompeu Fabra, Spain
• Gabriele Siegert, University of Zurich, Switzerland
• Bill Silcock
• Peter Simonson
• Helena Sousa
• Guy Starkey
• Lidia Valera-Ordaz, University of Valencia, Spain
• Tom Watson
• Douglas C. West
• Ginny Whitehouse, Eastern Kentucky University, USA
• Jordi Xifra
• Barbie Zelizer

Reviewers Committee

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Editorial Office

Communication & Society
School of Communication
Universidad de Navarra
31080 Pamplona (Navarra)
Tel.: (+34) 948 425 600 Ext. 802343

Manuscripts should be submitted through our online submission system. Please do not send complete manuscripts by e-mail.

Publishing Office

Publication-related enquiries and Rights and Permissions enquiries
For any general pre-submission queries, including e.g. article types, indexing, timeline; for queries related to journal publishing or permission requests to reuse or reprint content, and for requesting author or reviewer certificates, please contact:
Mercedes Alonso de Diego
Tel.: (+34) 948 425 600 * Ext. 803102

Submission-related enquiries
Queries about submission issues, peer review process, publishing costs and APCs, or the status of your manuscript and queries about accepted manuscripts in production or post-publication corrections should be sent to:
Rafael Heredero Ordoyo
Tel.: (+34) 948 425 600 * Ext. 803155

Queries about subscriptions or Individual issues should be sent to:
Esther Marín Murugarren
Tel.: (+34) 948 425 600 * Ext. 802626


For related enquiries about layout process
María Celaya García
Pamplona (Navarra)
Tel.: (+34) 609 739 532

Focus and Scope

Communication & Society is an online quarterly journal founded in 1988. Formerly named Comunicación y Sociedad, since the issue of October 2014 is published entirely in English. Issues are published online and open access in January, April, June and October.

C&S is international in scope and open to scholars and researchers from around the world, Communication & Society attempts to cover a range of topics within the field of communication and media studies.

Its main goal is to make outstanding research contributions to the field of communication from a variety of perspectives, both theoretical and empirical. It includes journalism studies, advertising, public relations, broadcast and film studies, political communication, ethics, media history, communication policy, political economy and new media, among others. Methodological and theoretical rigor and valuable and original research results are required for review and publication.

Section Policies

If you want to send a paper to the journal, please check the Instruccions for Authors.


The Articles section is open to free participation. The submissions are submitted to the evaluation process and published in order of acceptance date. This section provides visualization and download statistics as well as other metrics.
Contributions submitted to this section will be subject to peer review.

Open Access Policy

Communication & Society provides open access to all published content, to facilitate its dissemination and promote research, supporting an exchange of knowledge.

Anti-plagiarism policy

To ensure the originality of the manuscripts, the journal will use the Turnitin anti-plagiarism tool.

The similarity assessment criteria will always be subject to the decision of the Editorial Committee. Each case will be considered individually. Depending on the type of plagiarism detected, the author will be informed to correct his errors or actions, or his manuscript will be irrevocably rejected. 

The control of possible plagiarism will be carried out before the peer review begins.

Preservation Policy

This journal carries out preservation processes through the PKP PLN tool that allows preserving the Journal’s content regardless of where it is hosted. It uses the distributed preservation network model used by a LOCKSS Private Network supported by the organizational commitment of PKP partners and sponsors who are also members of the LOCKSS alliance. More information at https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2386-7876

Complementarily, the Journal’s issues and articles are stored on external hard drives and digital data storage (cloud storage).

Interoperability protocol

This journal provides an interface OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) that allows other websites and information services to harvest the published content metadata.

OAI-PMH Protocol Version 2.0
Dublin Core Metadata

URL for harvesters:

Publication Fees

Once the article has been approved for publication, the author must pay €140 per article published; if it is also published the Spanish version will be €280. Until the payment is produced, the editing and layout will not proceed. Please, contact Rafael Heredero (rhereder@unav.es) to pay the fee.  

Publication Frequency

The four issues of each year are published, in digital version, in January, April, June and October. The special issues are published on April.

Evaluation process

Communication & Society will only consider manuscripts that have not previously been published. They will be reviewed by experts in the subject, external to the University of Navarra, following a double-blind review process.

Manuscript Review Form Download

During the review period, both authors and reviewers will remain anonymous.

In case of conflicting reviews, the manuscript will be sent to a third reviewer. In any case, the editor will make the final decision.

Once the reviews are received, the Editorial Team will inform the authors whether their manuscript has been accepted for publication or rejected usually within a maximum of two months. Along with the notification of this decision, authors will be sent the peer reviewers' reports.

When the recommendation is to publish with minor revisions, the authors should resubmit a revised version of the manuscript within one month. If major revisions are required, the authors are free to decide not to follow them or decide to resubmit a new manuscript within two months that may be sent back to the original referees or to new referees.

In either case, the revised manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter that includes a point-by-point response to reviewers' comments and an explanation of how the manuscript has been changed.

External Authorship Index

Average 2019: 14 articles, 100% external authors, 7% international
32/3 (2019): 10 articles, 100% external authors, 9% international
32/2 (2019): 11 articles, 100% external authors, 14% international
32/1 (2019): 21 articles, 100% external authors, 3% international
Average 2018: 15 articles, 98% external authors, 16% international
31/4 (2018): 18 articles, 94% external authors, 41% international
31/3 (2018): 21 articles, 100% external authors, 3% international
31/2 (2018): 10 articles, 100% external authors, 0% international
31/1 (2018): 10 articles, 100% external authors, 14% international
Average 2017: 9 articles, 99% external authors, 19% international
30/4 (2017): 10 articles, 100% external authors, 30% international
30/3 (2017): 9 articles, 100% external authors, 18% international
30/2 (2017): 9 articles, 100% external authors, 31% international
30/1 (2017): 10 articles, 100% external authors, 10% international
Average 2016: 12 articles, 97% external authors, 7% international
29/4 (2016): 18 articles, 94% external authors, 11% international
29/3 (2016): 10 articles, 94% external authors, 6% international
29/2 (2016): 10 articles, 100% external authors, 5% international
29/1 (2016): 9 articles, 100% external authors, 0% international

Listings in databases, reputable directories and archives

Communication & Society can be found through indexing
services, online delivering platforms and portals for journals.



Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)

Calidad de Revistas Científicas Españolas

Specific databases: - ABI/INFORM Collection. - Periodical Index Online. - SA Sociological Abstracts. - SSA Social Services Abstracts.

Specific databases: Academic Search Premier. Academic Search Ultimate. Communication & Mass Media Complete (CMMI). Communication Source. Fuente Académica Plus.

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)

Library services:

Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals

A ranking of academic journals of social sciences and humanities based on their quality standards

Google Scholar

REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico)

Platforms and journals evaluation services:

Dialnet métricas

DICE (Difusión y Calidad Editorial de las Revistas Españolas e Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas) - ANECA
Its aim is to facilitate the knowledge and consultation of some of the publishing characteristics of the Spanish Social Sciences and Humanities scientific journals.

ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences)

LATINDEX catalogue
This catalogue is the result of the cooperation of many institutions which are doing networking in order to offer worldwide the biggest selection of journals and books on Social Sciences in Spanish.

RESH (Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas) - CSIC
Integrated valuation and cites index


DIALNET - University of La Rioja, Spain. Dialnet is an Internet portal for diffusion of the Spanish and Latin American scientific production.
DADUN - Dadun is the institutional repository that uses open access to collect, preserve and disseminate papers that reflect the academic and scientific activity at the University of Navarra.

More info:

Member of FELAFACS, and Red Iberoamericana de Revistas de Comunicación y Cultura.


The content of articles is the sole responsibility of the authors. In no event shall the University of Navarra be responsible for the credibility and authenticity of articles.
Authors wishing to include images, figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

Statement of good practice

The quality standards for scientific journals require the inclusion, as part of their general criteria, of a statement of good publishing practices to which the Editor, Editorial Board, reviewers and authors must adhere.

In this regard, Communication & Society operates according to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Guidelines for the Editor, Editorial Board, reviewers and authors.

1. Editor's / Director's Obligations

Communication & Society is governed by the ethical guidelines inspired by COPE Core Practices and Guidelines (2017). These guidelines apply to all those involved in the publication of the journal: editors and their journals, publishers and institutions. The COPE Core Practices will be taken into account in conjunction with national and international codes of conduct specific to research, which they are not intended to replace.

Responsibility: The Editor is responsible for the decision whether or not to publish the articles received. In addition, he/she is responsible for any other content published in his/her journal. To this end, he/she will ensure that articles are reviewed by experts in the field.

In making these decisions, the Editor should be guided both by the policies of the journal's Editorial Board and by legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The Editor may consult with other members of the Editorial Board or with reviewers in making publication decisions.

Journal Management: The Editor will work closely with a diverse and effective Editorial Board.

He/she will communicate regularly with all members with decision-making power over the journal and meet with them as often as necessary (virtually if necessary).

Actively will involve Editorial Board members in the peer review process where appropriate.

Access to and retention of data: the Editor may request authors to provide original data relating to a refereed paper. In any case, authors must be willing to retain such data for a reasonable time after publication.

Fairness: During the evaluation process, the Editor shall assess only the scientific content of the articles, without letting aspects related to race, gender, religious beliefs, citizenship, ethnicity or political philosophy of the authors affect his/her decisions. It will avoid any bias in editorial decision-making.

Authorship: The Editor declines any responsibility for possible conflicts arising from the authorship of papers published in the journal.

The ideas, data and opinions expressed in the published works are the sole responsibility of the authors, who are also responsible for obtaining the corresponding permissions for publication, for ensuring that the published works are carried out in accordance with the ethical criteria governing research and that they are in accordance with professional ethics.

Confidentiality: The Editor and other members of the Editorial Board may only share information regarding submitted manuscripts with the author, reviewers, potential reviewers and others involved in the publication process.

Intellectual Property: Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in the Editor's own research without the express written consent of the author. Similarly, privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review should be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.

Inclusive Language: Communication & Society adheres to the goals established by the United Nations whereby “using gender-inclusive language means speaking and writing in a way that does not discriminate against a particular sex, social gender or gender identity, and does not perpetuate gender stereotypes”. (https://www.un.org/es/gender-inclusive-language/index.shtml). 

This objective must be compatible with "other discursive or pragmatic postulates, such as those of equivalence, adequacy, convenience, aesthetics and, especially, the principle of economy" (Position of the RAE of January 16, 2020, § 8.1), and also with respect for the linguistic system. 

It is recommended to take into account the guidelines of the aforementioned United Nations website and the report and other publications of the Royal Spanish Academy (https://www.rae.es/sites/default/files/Informe_lenguaje_inclusivo.pdf).

Peer review processes: The Editor should endeavour to ensure a fair and appropriate peer review process. Editors should refrain (i.e. should ask a co-editor, associate editor or other member of the Editorial Board to review in their place) from reviewing manuscripts where they have conflicts of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative or other relationships or connections with any of the authors, companies or institutions (possibly) related to the articles.

Post-publication discussions and corrections
: The Editor should require all contributors to disclose relevant competing interests and publish corrections if competing interests are disclosed after publication. If necessary, other appropriate action, such as publication of a retraction or an expression of concern should be taken.

: In cases of alleged or proven scientific misconduct, such as copyright infringement, fraudulent publication, plagiarism or self-plagiarism, the Publisher, in close cooperation with the journal Editors, will take all appropriate measures to clarify the situation and modify the article in question. This includes the prompt publication of an expression of concern or, in the most severe cases, the complete retraction of the work concerned.

Complaints and appeals: Communication & Society will respond to all complaints or suspicions of research or publication misconduct raised by readers, reviewers, or other editors. The Editor will take reasonable action when ethical complaints are raised in connection with a submitted manuscript or published article. The journal will evaluate cases of possible plagiarism or duplicate/redundant publication related to a submitted manuscript or published article.

In other cases - publisher or reviewer misconduct - the journal may request an investigation by the institution itself or other appropriate bodies. Each reported act of unethical behaviour will be investigated, even if it is discovered years after publication.

In case of possible retraction, the Editor shall be guided by the COPE Retractions Guidelines.

In case of infringement of rights, the author is solely responsible for the consequences.

In cases of defamation and plagiarism, the Editor will reject the received papers.

In case of self-plagiarism, each case will be considered on a case-by-case basis. A decision will be taken on the basis of the amount of reused text, its nature - original research or not - the original source and the copyright. The decision will be based on the COPE Text Recycling Guidelines.

Complaints and Appeals: Communication & Society will respond to all complaints or suspicions of research or publication misconduct raised by readers, reviewers, or other editors. The Editor will take reasonable action when ethical complaints are raised in connection with a submitted manuscript or published article. The journal will evaluate cases of possible plagiarism or duplicate/redundant publication related to a submitted manuscript or published article.

In other cases - publisher or reviewer misconduct - the journal may request an investigation by the institution itself or other appropriate bodies. Each reported act of unethical behaviour will be investigated, even if it is discovered years after publication.

Involvement and cooperation in research: the Editor must maintain the integrity of the scholarly record, prevent commercial needs from compromising intellectual and ethical standards, and always be ready to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.

2. Reviewers' Obligations

Contribution to the editorial decision: The publication of an article in the journal Communication & Society involves a double-blind peer review system. The reviewers will assist the Editorial Board in editorial decisions and will collaborate with the author to improve their work if necessary.

Qualification and timeliness: all selected reviewers must state whether they are qualified to review the proposed article and, if so, to deliver the review within the deadline. 

Confidentiality: any manuscript received by the reviewer must be treated as a confidential document. It should not be shown or discussed with anyone, unless authorised by the Editorial Board.

Standards of objectivity and respect: evaluations should be conducted with complete objectivity and using language that is respectful of the author and the work: personal criticism of the author is always inappropriate. Evaluators should express their reviews clearly and with arguments.

Acknowledgement of sources: where possible, reviewers should identify relevant publications that have not been cited by the authors. Reviewers should advise the Editor of any substantial similarities between the manuscript and any other publications of which they are aware.

Conflict of interest: Privileged information obtained in the review process must be considered confidential and may not be used for personal gain. Reviewers may not evaluate manuscripts that are in conflict of interest due to competitive, collaborative, or other connected relationships with the authors, companies, or institutions linked to the article in question.

Misconduct: reviewers must avoid situations of citation coercion, suggesting to authors citations to the journal in the reviewed articles; alteration of one's anonymity in double-blind peer review; any kind of predatory practices, such as the use of false names, demand for payment and false review; and simulated coordination of monographs, cases in which the journal does not allow the coordinator of a volume to review or decide which texts will be published, producing a "use" of the identity and academic prestige of the coordinator.

3. Authors' Obligations

Rules for the presentation of articles: authors should submit original and scientifically rigorous articles. They should also present an accurate description of the work performed, as well as an objective discussion of its importance. The underlying data should be accurately represented in the manuscript. The work must contain sufficient references to allow the reviewers to carry out their replications. Overt fraud is unacceptable behavior that violates the ethics of the procedure.

Personal data
: authors must provide their contact information to be used during the evaluation process and, if applicable, for the publication of the article. Personal information will not be provided to third parties or for use for other purposes.

Originality and plagiarism: authors agree to submit original papers and to cite appropriately, in accordance with the journal's guidelines, works by other authors.

In order to detect possible plagiarism, submitted papers will be analyzed with the Turnitin anti-plagiarism tool before being sent to reviewers.

Multiple or redundant publications: as a general rule, authors may not publish articles that contain results already published in other works. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time is unacceptable behavior that violates the ethics of the procedure.

Acknowledgement of sources: authors should provide an appropriate acknowledgement of the bibliographic sources that have made possible the preparation of their work.

In the case of use of an observation, derivation or argument that has been previously reported, the author must accompany it with the corresponding citation.

Authors who use artificial intelligence tools in the writing of a manuscript, the production of images or graphic elements of the article, or in the collection and analysis of data, should be transparent and declare how it was used and what tool was used. The authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, including those parts produced by any artificial intelligence tool.

Authorship and contributorship of a manuscript: authorship will be limited to those persons who have taken part in the gestation, design and execution of the work.

All those who have made significant contributions should be listed as co-authors. When there are other persons who have participated in certain substantive aspects of the research project, they should be named in an acknowledgements section. 

The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate coauthors (as defined above) and no inappropriate coauthors are listed as authors of the manuscript, and that all coauthors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have accepted its submission for publication.

Artificial intelligence tools cannot be listed as an author of an article. They do not meet authorship requirements, as they cannot assume responsibility for an article. They lack legal personality, and cannot assert the presence or absence of conflicts of interest nor manage copyright agreements.

Conflict of interest: authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or other conflicts of interest that could affect the results or their interpretation and therefore the evaluation of their work (e.g., employment, consultancies, property rights, honoraria, testimonials of contracted experts, patent applications/records, and grants or other funding).

Sources of funding: every author shall mention the sources of funding of the project that has given rise to the article.

Fundamental errors in published works: when an author discovers a significant error in his/her published work, it is his/her obligation to promptly communicate this fact to the Editor of the journal and cooperate with him/her in the withdrawal or correction of the article.

Inclusive language

Communication & Society adheres to the goals established by the United Nations whereby “using gender-inclusive language means speaking and writing in a way that does not discriminate against a particular sex, social gender or gender identity, and does not perpetuate gender stereotypes”. (https://www.un.org/es/gender-inclusive-language/index.shtml). This objective must be compatible with "other discursive or pragmatic postulates, such as those of equivalence, adequacy, convenience, aesthetics and, especially, the principle of economy" (Position of the RAE of January 16, 2020, § 8.1), and also with respect for the linguistic system. It is recommended to take into account the guidelines of the aforementioned United Nations website and the report and other publications of the Royal Spanish Academy (https://www.rae.es/sites/default/files/Informe_ lenguaje_inclusivo.pdf).

Publishing Data

• Year founded: 1988
• Layout: María Celaya
• Legal Deposit: NA 389-1989
• ISSN-e: 2174-0895

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