Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The text submitted has not been previously published and was not sent to another journal. To ensure the originality of the manuscripts, submitted papers will be analyzed with the Turnitin anti-plagiarism tool before being sent to reviewers.
  • Authors who use artificial intelligence tools in the writing of a manuscript, the production of images or graphic elements of the article, or in the collection and analysis of data, should be transparent and declare how it was used and what tool was used. The authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, including those parts produced by any artificial intelligence tool.
  • All authors have followed these instructions and have ORCID-ID that shows "Affiliation" and "Employment" data.
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • A final list of references is included with links to the sources where possible, preferably to the DOI.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author guidelines.
  • If the text submitted is focused on a section of the journal that must be peer-reviewed, to ensure blind review the text must follow this instructions.
  • In the case that authors wish to add supplementary explanatory material that exceeds the size or format limits of the article, they may upload it to the OJS platform as extraordinary files -one for each different type of format-, always smaller than 20 MB.

    This material will be published exclusively in the electronic version of the journal, as an electronic annex to the corresponding article.

    In any case, it is preferable that authors use open repositories to share supplementary material, such as figshare.
  • In the case of funding for research resulting in this work, authors should indicate on the first page of the article the funding agency(ies) and the code(s) of the project(s) under which the research was carried out.
  • The authors declare that they are free from any personal or commercial association that may imply a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article, as well as that they have respected the ethical principles of research.
  • It is recommended to include the acknowledgement section at the end of the body of the manuscript before the references section.
  • The authors agree to the Publisher Policy, published at Sherpa Romeo, whereby the editor allows the author to exclusively disseminate the final editorial version through the institutional repository. Dissemination of the submitted version (preprint) or the version evaluated prior to the editorial version (postprint) is not allowed.

    The objective of this policy is to avoid the loss of citations that are received from the data of versions different from those of the final and definitive version, which is published and indexed in the databases.

    If the citation received contains any minimal difference with the indexed data, it will be registered as a reference instead of being considered as a computable citation, which could be detrimental to the journal and the author. Therefore, it is important to follow this policy and share only the final version of the article.
  • If the work has been carried out using research data, including the variable of sex, information should be added regarding whether the conclusions have taken into account potential differences between sexes.
  • The authors have read and agree to their obligations under the journal's Statement of good practice.

Communication & Society will close manuscript submissions until August 16. Thank you for your interest in publishing with us. 

Requirements for manuscripts submitted

All manuscripts must be original. They must not be under review process in other journal. They should be written in English or in English and Spanish, using either American or British spelling.
Authors wishing to include images, figures, tables, or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) for both the print and online format and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.

In the case that authors wish to add supplementary explanatory material that exceeds the size or format limits of the article, they may upload it to the OJS platform as extraordinary files -one for each different type of format-, always smaller than 20 MB.

This material will be published exclusively in the electronic version of the journal, as an electronic annex to the corresponding article.

In the case of funding for research resulting in this work, authors should indicate on the first page of the article the funding agency(ies) and the code(s) of the project(s) under which the research was carried out.

1. Authorship

1.1. Authors are responsible for the manuscript content. Articles highly similar to previously published works, including author's own works, are considered as plagiarism.
The maximum number of authors per article is four. If other researchers linked to a project participated in the preparation of the article, their names may be included in a footnote.
No more than one article by the same author or co-author will be published in a period of one year and a half, i.e., six issues of the journal.

1.2. Manuscripts must be between 6.000-9.000 words in length, references, tables, and figures included, and will follow APA (6th edition) guidelines except for minor details that are noted in these rules.

1.3. The article must include the following information:
- Title, in lowercase, in Times New Roman 14. Maximum length: 20 words. It should be clear and concise.
- Abstract (200-250 words) in round bold type with font size 12. It should include a summary of the main results and conclusions and the methodology used.
- 5 to 7 key words separated by commas, in round bold type with font size 12.
- Remind that before uploading the article to the platform you have to anonymize it and be sure that you delete any names from the properties of the manuscript file. In addition, please remove all author names and institutional information from the cover page of the manuscript, to enable blinded peer review. Maximum length: between 6.000-9.000 words, including references, footnotes, tables or graphs.

1.4. Body of the manuscript
- In Times New Roman 12, single space, left aligned.
- Insert blank lines before and after headings and subheadings.
- No blank lines between paragraphs.
- Within the text, each new paragraph should be indented 0.75 cm from the left margin in the first line. This does not apply in the case of the first paragraph after each heading and subheading.

1.5. Once the publication of the article is accepted, all authors of the manuscript should include their full name, affiliation, email address, and ORCiD URL (https://orcid.xxxxxxx) in the first page of the article.

1.6. Along with the personal data will also be cited if the article has been financed by public or private entity.

2. Headings

2.1. Headings must be numbered in Arabic numbers, with no indentation.  First-level headings should be written in bold. Second-level headings must be written in italics. Third-level headings (maximum) must be written in round type.

1. First level heading
1.1. Second level heading
1.1.1. Third level heading
1.1.2. Third level heading
1.2. Second level heading

2.2. Titles, headings and subheadings must not have a full stop at the end.

2.3. The numeration must be manual, not automatic. The numeration starts with 1.

2.4. The 'References' heading should not be numbered.

3. Quotations

3.1. All textual citations, except for the cases mentioned below in the footnotes section, should be made in-text. Give the author, year, and page numbers if possible, inside parenthesis and separated by a comma. If there is not a direct quote, you should simply indicate the last name(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication.
Currently big data it is not conceived as 'merely a technological transition toward data deluge' (Lewis & Westlund, 2015, p. 448), since there's not a unitary big data phenomenon (Boellstorff, 2013).
In the case of several pages, example: Even within the idea of UGC, the problem with the (omnipresent) debate participation is how 'participation is still used to mean everything and nothing, [and] remains structurally undertheorized' (Carpentier, 2011, pp. 13-14).

3.2. When including explicit quotations signaled by quotation marks, double quotation marks must be used (" ") and, within them, single quotation marks or inverted commas (' '), never angle quotes (« »).

3.3. When an unnecessary passage is eliminated from a quotation, to indicate this suppression, suspension points must be used between square brackets.
"In a village of La Mancha [...], there lived not long since... ".

3.4. Any changes, additions or handling interpolations in quoted material must be placed in square brackets. Example: "The story [historia, in Spanish] reflects the events in an ideal order".

3.5. Quotations more than four lines long should be indented 1 cm on the right and on the left side without using quotations marks and written in Times New Roman 11.
We agree with the Data Journalism definition made by Rodrí­guez-Brito and Garcí­a-Chico (2013, p. 60):
The development of data journalism summarizes digitalization processes; transparency, access to public information and open data philosophy; statistics and visualization tools; and the research skills of the journalist of all times to compile, filter, contextualize, contrast, prioritize and count a story in an attractive manner.

3.6. In the case of four or more authors, cite only the surname of the first author followed by 'et al.' and the year of publication. Example: (Medina et al., 2018).

4. Footnotes

4.1. Footnotes should be used sparingly as an exception, e.g. for newspaper articles, interviews, sources such as archives and websites, and other similar cases.

4.2. Notes should follow a consecutive numbering scheme for the entire article and be written in Times New Roman 8 and single-space at the bottom of the page, without space between paragraphs.

5. Bibliographical References

5.1. At the end of the manuscript, a list of all references used must appear under the heading "References" (please, remember that they should not be numbered).

5.2. References must be presented in alphabetical order by author or editor. Different works by the same author must be included in chronological order, from earliest to most recent. In these cases, the name of the author will be repeated without using any kind of line to suppress it.

5.3. Italicize titles of longer works such as books and journals. Do not italicize, underline, or put quotes around the titles of shorter works such as journal articles or essays in edited collections.

5.4. There is need for authors to include DOI numbers (Digital Object Identifier System) for published and cited articles in the 'References' section (https://doi.org/xxxx). Where such a DOI number is not available, the link of the article must be added (Retrieved from http://www.xxx.org/xxx/285080).

5.5. All lines after the first line of each entry should be indented 0.75 cm from the left margin (hanging indentation) and should be written in Times New Roman 10, with single space and without space between paragraphs.

5.6. Names of publishing houses should be abbreviated. Please omit: Publishers, Inc., Plc., etc.

5.7. The names of the cities in which the publishing houses are based should be indicated in the language in which they appear in the work itself.

Schudson, M. (2008). Why democracies need an unlovable press. Maiden, MA: Polity.
Hallin, D. C. & Mancini, P. (2004). Comparing media systems. Three models of media and politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Book editor:
Voltmer, K. (Ed.) (2006). Mass media and political communication in new democracies. London, New York: Routledge.

Book editors:
Simonson, P., Peck, J., Craig, R. T. & Jackson, Jr. J. P. (Eds.) (2013). Handbook of communication history. New York: Routledge.
Alexander, A., Owers, J., Carveth, R., Hollifield, C. A. & Greco, A. N. (Eds.) (2004). Media Economics: Theory and Practice. 3rd ed. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Book chapter:
Kuutti, H., Lauk, E., Nevalainen, P. & Sokka, R. (2012). Finnish media policy: less restrictive, more directive. In E. Psychogiopoulou (Ed.), Understanding media policies. A European perspective (pp. 100-115). Houndsmills, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Journal article with single author:
Christians, C. G. (1998). The philosophy of technology. Globalization and ethical universals. Journalism Studies, 12(6), 727-737. https://doi.org/10.1080/1461670X.2011.614809

Journal article with two authors:
Hutchins, B. & Rowe, D. (2009). From broadcast scarcity to digital plenitude: The changing dynamics of the media sports content economy. Television & New Media, 10(4), 354-370. https://doi.org/10.1177/1527476409334016

Journal article with three or more authors:
Valenzuela, S., Piña, M. & Ramírez, J. (2017). Behavioral Effects of Framing on Social Media Users: How Conflict, Economic, Human Interest, and Morality Frames Drive News Sharing. Journal of Communication, 67(5), 803-826. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcom.12325

Journal article (without DOI):
Romero, M. V. (2008). Argumentación persuasiva y sintaxis en los mensajes publicitarios. Fórmulas con SI*. Communication & Society, 21(2), 171-192. Retrieved from https://www.unav.es/fcom/communication-society/es/resumen.php?art_id=17

Print newspaper article with an author:
Manrique Grisales, J. (2010, November 14). La bestia que se tragó Armero. El Espectador, pp. 16-17.

Print newspaper article without an author:
Drogas genéricas. (2010, September 25). El Tiempo, p. 15.

Digital newspaper article:
Medina, M. A. (2011, November, 28). Tahrir, la madre de todas las plazas. El Paí­s. Retrieved from https://elpais.com/internacional/2011/11/23/actualidad/1322041782_555751.html

Online article:
Harris, R. (2010, November 22). Evaluating Internet research sources. Retrieved from http://www.virtualsalt.com/evalu8it.htm

6. Style

6.1. Use a clear readable style, avoiding jargon. 

6.2. Always use non-discriminatory language.

6.3. The following should be written in italics:
- The titles of books, journals and newspapers.
- Foreign words or terms.
- Latin words or phrases not included in dictionaries.
- Second-level subheadings. Their numbering, however, must be in round type.

6.4. The names of institutions should not be written in italics, even when they are not English.

6.5. If technical terms or acronyms must be included, define them when first used.


7. Tables and Figures

7.1. Tables and figures must be included in the main body of the text in order of appearance, numbered using Arabic numerals and centered on the page. They may not exceed five.

7.2. Title, text, and the source of tables and figures must be written in Times New Roman 10, single-spaced. Title and source must be presented in the header of the table or the figure. The same applies to photographs, images, and illustrations.

7.3. The technical quality must respect printing standards and requires a resolution of at least 300 dpi (dots per inch). Having JPG or TIFF files could be necessary.

7.4. The graphics, photographs and images must comply with the printing standards (300 ppp.) And it is convenient to send this material in TIFF or JPG format.

8. Reviews

8.1. Reviews should have a maximum length of 1,000 words. Reviews are welcome both for books published in English and Spanish. Reviews should be written in English or in English and Spanish, using either American or British spelling.

8.2. The following information is needed: author (name in lowercase, surname in uppercase); title of the work in the original language and in italics; publisher, place, year and number of pages.

Rebels on the air: an alternative history of radio in America
New York University Press, New York, 2004, 326 pp.

Timothy COOMBS and Sherry J. HOLLADAY (Eds.)
The handbook of crisis communication
Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, UK, 2012, 737 pp.

8.3. Note the page number of any quotation from the book in brackets after the quotation (p. 45).

8.4. In the case of reviews of books written in other language than English, quotations must be translated into English and placed in quotation marks, followed by the page number from which the quotation has been taken, written in brackets.

8.5. In the main body of the review, bibliographical references to other works must be written in brackets, detailing the following elements, in this order and separated by commas: author (if not the same as the author of the reviewed book), full title of the work, place, publishers' name, and year of publication.

In his new book, Alfonso Nieto expands on the concepts outlined in his classic study of Spanish press from a business perspective (La empresa periodística en España, Pamplona, Eunsa, 1973).
This book contains a constant presence of ideas from the author's great master (see Luka Brajnovic, Deontología periodística, Pamplona, Eunsa, 1978).

References to the author of the book cited within the text must comply with the general rules, in other words, name and surname in lowercase.

8.6. At the foot of the text please include the reviewer's personal data in the following order: full name, ORCID, e-mail, and affiliation. 

Online submission

Send your anonymized article through the OJS of the journal. Be sure that your name is deleted from the properties of the manuscript.

The journal confirms the authors the reception of their articles automatically. If the author had any difficulty with the platform, please contact technical support (Rafael Heredero: rhereder@unav.es).

The Editorial Board will make a first editorial review of the articles received in order to assess compliance with minimum quality and adjustment to the journal aims and scope, as long as the articles are anonymized on both the first page of the manuscript and the properties of the document file. It will communicate to the authors the decision taken on the passage to the peer review phase within a maximum period of 4 weeks.

Once the article has been approved for publication, the author must pay €140 per article published; if it is also published the Spanish version will be €280. Until the payment is produced, the editing and layout will not proceed. Please, contact Rafael Heredero (rhereder@unav.es) to pay the fee.