Juan José Igartua e-mail(Login required) , Carlos Múñiz e-mail(Login required)

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Juan José Igartua e-mail(Login required)
Carlos Múñiz e-mail(Login required)


Communication theory about media entertainment has indicated that identification with the characters is one of the most important factors predicting media enjoyment of feature films. However, there is little empirical research about this topic. This paper presents the results of a quantitative research in which 300 subject were interviewed when they went out from commercial cinemas and they were asked about the reception and enjoyment of one of the following features films: Mar adentro, El lobo and Bridget Jones: sobreviviré. Identification with the characters was the first explicative factor of film enjoyment, especially with Mar adentro dramatic feature film.


Media entertainment, Feature film reception, Identification with the characters, Media enjoyment


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