Aurora Labio-Bernal e-mail(Login required) , Lorena R. Romero-Domínguez e-mail(Login required)

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Aurora Labio-Bernal e-mail(Login required)
Lorena R. Romero-Domínguez e-mail(Login required)


In April 2002, Kich group was declared to be insolvent. The development of the company was based in a risky way of doing business, taking advantage of its links with CSU politicians and growing up without any control in the last few years. The bankruptcies of Kirch has to be analysed to know more about the past and future of media system in Germany. This article seeks to explore the communication sector after Kirch collapse, above all in the moment that the company is being shared out. The present text also analyse specially the sale of the most important business, ProsiebenSAT.1. Decisive policy and control considerations could explain the current situation of that holding.


Mass media, Germany, Kirch, ProsiebenSAT.1


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