José Andrés Dulce-San-Miguel e-mail(Login required)

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José Andrés Dulce-San-Miguel e-mail(Login required)


Art criticism finds serious trouble when the artist output shows inner contradictions wich cannot be explained by the artistic genius. This article tries to explain the multiplicity of styles found in the multiplicity of styles found in the filmography of the Danish Carl Theodor Dreyer, plurality wich makes difficult the general understanding of his work, beyond the admiration that his movies arise. It tries to explain how, beginning with a first period marked by the influence of naturalism, those different styles alternate according with dialectic movements of advance and regression, till consolidate the neoclassic gaze that explains the period of maturity of the filmmaker.


Cinema, Dreyer, Neoclasicism


ARNHEIM, Rudolph, El cine como arte, Paidós, Barcelona, 1990.

BORDWELL, David, The films of Carl Theodor Dreyer, University of California Press, 1981.

BURCH, Noel, El tragaluz del infinito. Contribución a la genealogía del lenguaje cine, matográfico, Cátedra, Madrid, 1987.

DELAHAYE, Michel, "Entre le ciel y la terre", Cahiers du Cinéma, nº 170, septiembre 1965.

DREYER, Carl T., Carl Th. Dreyer. Sobre el cine, 40 Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid, 1995.

___ , Carl T. Dreyer. Reflexiones sobre mi oficio, Paid6s, Barcelona, 1999.

DROUZY, Maurice, Carl Th. Dreyer né Nilsson, Les Editions du Cerf, París, 1982.

DULCE SAN MIGUEL, José Andrés, Dreyer, Nickel Odeon, Madrid, 2000.

EISNER, Lotte H., La pantalla demoníaca, Cátedra, Madrid, 1988.

KRACAUER, Sigfried, De Caligari a Hitler, Paid6s, Barcelona, 1985.

LA TORRE, José María, El cine fantástico, Dirigido Por, Barcelona, 1987.

NEERGAARD, Ebbe, Dreyer, Dansk Videnskab Forlag, Copenhague, 1963.

REIN, Sten, Hjalmar Séiderbergs Gerrrud, Studier kring ett karleksdrama, Bonniers, Estocolmo, 1962.

SCHRADER, Paul, El estilo trascendental en el cine. Ozu, Bresson, Dreyer, JC, Madrid, 1999.

SÉMOLUÉ, Jean, Dreyer, Éditions Universitaires, París, 1962.


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