Irene Camps-Ortueta e-mail(Login required) , Luis Deltell-Escolar e-mail(Login required) , María-Francisca Blasco-López e-mail(Login required)

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Irene Camps-Ortueta e-mail(Login required)
Luis Deltell-Escolar e-mail(Login required)
María-Francisca Blasco-López e-mail(Login required)



Museums have gone through a modernization process which has seen the adoption of new technologies in what they offer visitors. Within the framework of the new critical museology, these organizations have been transformed into places of encounter and experience, the key tools in this change being socialization and play. Gamification are now intrinsic to collections and are a way of inviting visitors to share new museum experiences through the latest technology such as AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality). In this way, the museum becomes a playground and a space for creativity (Borja-Villel et al., 2014). In this research, we focus on what we consider to be an important link between the three central aspects of museum change: sociability, gamificaction and virtualization; and the growing interest in museums for videogames. Our aim is to reach a better understanding of the AR and VR video games developed for museums and how these technologies can not only motivate visitors’ interest but also improve their learning skills. Our analysis focuses of literature published between 2015 to 2018 and follows the analytic structure established by Connolly et al. (2012) with additional features related to learning experience, platforms, and the use of technologies (VR and AR). The general aim is to map the interest of the research community in the field of museum-developed video games, more specifically those that use augmented and virtual reality.


video games, museums, tourism, visitors, learning experiences


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