Berta García-Orosa e-mail(Login required) , Mohsen Alafranji e-mail(Login required)

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Berta García-Orosa e-mail(Login required)
Mohsen Alafranji e-mail(Login required)



The main objective is the comparative analysis of the engagement strategies in the AlJazeera channels in Arabic and English. Methodological triangulation is used through bibliographic review, content analysis, 45 in-depth interviews and non-participant observation. The policies carried out with two important points are studied in 2016 with the conformation of the engagement strategy and in 2018 with the restructuring of the television teams. Engagement is no longer just a marketing strategy to turn the audience into a fundamental actor in content production. Platformization and the search for a comprehensive and international strategy emerge as challenges for the coming years


Engagement, social networks, communication, journalism, Twitter, television, digital platforms


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