Jaume Doménech-Beltrán e-mail(Login required)

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Jaume Doménech-Beltrán e-mail(Login required)



According to the selective exposure hypothesis, media consumption is determined by the ideological predispositions of individuals, who aim to confirm their opinions through media content. This research explores the role of the public state-owned radio and television corporation, Radio Televisión Española (RTVE), as a facilitator of transversal exposure, that is, consumption that is not aligned with individuals’ prior convictions. Through a quantitative methodology based on contingency tables and the calculation of corrected typed residuals, and through the CIS post-electoral studies, we analyse the relevance of ideology, partisan identification and interest in public issues as predictors of public television and radio consumption over a period of 11 years (2008-2019) in Spain. The results indicate that being a voter of the party in government and sharing its ideology are related to a higher likelihood of consuming RTVE television channels. In addition, the results show a higher transversal exposure of public radio, compared to television, which is more strongly influenced by the ideology and partisanship of the audiences.


selective exposure, cross-cutting exposure, public media, political information, ideology, partisanship, political interest


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