Mikel Gago-Gómez-de-Luna e-mail(Login required)

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Mikel Gago-Gómez-de-Luna e-mail(Login required)


The goal of this work is to study the celebrated and controversial issue of the paternity of M. Brutus by J. César in the work of R. Syme, including the pre- cedents and the reception of the oxonian historian’s vision in this matter as well. To get this, we will start by contextualizing the subject of the writing revealing the existence of an perceptible change in the interest of Syme on Caesar since 1960. Next, we will make an analysis of the New Zealand researcher’s works in which he was interested by the issue of Caesar-Brutus’s paternity properly said; we will carry back in time in order to discuss about the historiographical outlook related to this controversy previous to Syme; and, finally, we will also examine the investigations which, after the great British professor, have taken this interesting aspect up.


Ronald Syme, Julius Caesar, Marcus Brutus, Paternity, Historiography, Roman History


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Author Biography

Mikel Gago-Gómez-de-Luna, Universidad del País Vasco. Paseo de la Universidad, 5

01006 Álava (Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco)