Reynaldo Rivera-Baiocchi e-mail(Login required)

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Reynaldo Rivera-Baiocchi e-mail(Login required)



Marketing plays a key role in the configuration of human and organizational actions through the design, digitalization and communication of social and economic values.

In a digital age, Marketing strategies are at the center of several controversies like the growth of consumeristic practices, environmental damage and public opinion manipulation among others. However, Marketing is a scientific discipline and practice that demonstrated its capacity to increase people’s quality of life.

The objective of this paper is to present a theoretical framework of Humanistic Marketing for the promotion of quality of life based on Human-to-Human Marketing, Strategic Orchestration and Social Marketing models.


Human-to-human Marketing, Quality of Life, Digital Transformation, Strategic Orchestration


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Author Biography

Reynaldo Rivera-Baiocchi, Universidad Austral (Argentina)